Tribunal de Contas de São Paulo lançará Índice de Efetividade da Gestão Municipal

O Tribunal de Contas do Estado de São Paulo (TCESP) apresentará, no dia 5 de outubro, às 10h, no Centro de Convenções Rebouças (CCR), em São Paulo, os resultados do Índice de Efetividade da Gestão Municipal (IEGM/TCESP) – Ano Base: 2014. 

Este índice tem como objetivo avaliar a efetividade das políticas e atividades públicas desenvolvidas pelos gestores dos entes municipais. Ao final do evento, cada gestor receberá um exemplar do 1º Anuário IEGM-TCESP, que contém as análises consolidadas dos resultados do índice acompanhadas do Relatório de Desempenho Municipal específico da sua cidade. 

Segundo explicou a Presidente do TCE, Cristiana de Castro Moraes, o lançamento do anuário – que reunirá Prefeitos, Vereadores, Secretários Municipais e autoridades do setor público – é resultado do trabalho iniciado no exercício da Presidência de 2014, decorrente do projeto IEGM, coordenado pelo Conselheiro Sidney Estanislau Beraldo, que preside as atividades do Comitê de Gestão Estratégica (GET). Os dados que serão apresentados são fruto de uma pesquisa realizada com os 644 municípios (com exceção da capital) e que foi composta por 154 quesitos divididos em 7 (sete) áreas temáticas (educação, saúde, planejamento, gestão fiscal, proteção ao meio ambiente, cidadãos e governança da tecnologia da informação). 

Coletados por meio do Sistema de Auditoria Eletrônica (Audesp), os dados obtidos no IEGM/TCESP serão colocados a disposição da sociedade em  um Site Infográfico,  bem como em um aplicativo para celulares. O TCE também premiará os vencedores do 1º Hackathon, Concurso Cultural de Programação que acontecerá no dia 26 de setembro, com programadores e profissionais da área de informática que desenvolverão o aplicativo ‘mobile’ do IEGM para plataforma Android. O mesmo permitirá que o usuário acesse os dados do IEGM, avalie resultados, enviando comentários e fotos, incentivando, de forma interativa, a transparência e a participação da sociedade. – 
 *Informação extraída do site do TCE, link 

Webinar “Can citizen empowerment improve people’s lives? Evidence from the Transparency for Development program” – October 6th

OGP Webinar:
“Can citizen empowerment improve people’s lives?  Evidence from the Transparency for Development program
Tuesday, October 6th, 2015
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. EST 

Language: English

REGISTER for this webinar: HERE


Nathaniel Heller
Managing Director – Results for Development Institute (R4D) 
Courtney Tolmie
Senior Program Director – Results for Development Institute (R4D)
Sponsored by the OGP Support Unit and the World Bank
Much has been made of the potential of bottom-up accountability as a pathway to improve governance and development outcomes; however there is less consensus regarding what “bottom-up accountability” means, how to achieve it, and how effective it is in improving health, education, and other outcomes that affect people’s livelihoods.
The Transparency for Development program – led by Results for Development Institute and the Harvard Kennedy School – is a mixed-method multi-country design and evaluation program that is seeking to answer these questions.  Working with civil society organizations in Tanzania and Indonesia, the program has designed a mechanism for engaging with and empowering citizens to hold service providers and local governments accountable for providing better health services, specifically in maternal and neonatal health.  Using quantitative and qualitative evaluation approaches, including both ethnography and randomized control trials, the program is currently measuring the success and bottlenecks of achieving bottom-up accountability from the community level that translates to healthier mothers and babies.
This webinar will highlight the components of the Transparency for Development program, including early findings from the pilot in Tanzania and Indonesia.  The speakers will further discuss the implications of this research on assessing the effectiveness of bottom-up accountability across other sectors, and for policymakers at the sub-national and national levels seeking to leverage open government and transparency efforts towards improved delivery of public sector services.
Nathaniel Heller is Managing Director at the Results for Development Institute (R4D), which he joined in 2014, and leads R4D’s Governance Program. At R4D, Nathaniel works to harness citizen-centric transparency and accountability efforts as drivers of development outcomes. Prior to joining R4D, Nathaniel co-founded and led Global Integrity, a non-profit organization that promotes government transparency and accountability worldwide through high-quality research, cutting-edge technology, and innovative policy insights. During his time as Executive Director of Global Integrity, Nathaniel led the organization from its founding in 2005 through a period of intensive growth that saw Global Integrity established as a global leader on anti-corruption and governance issues. Nathaniel holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Spanish Literature from the University of Delaware and a Master’s degree from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. He currently serves as a civil society steering committee member of the Open Government Partnership, advisory board member of Civio, and on the board of The engine room. 
Courtney Tolmie is a Senior Program Director at the Results for Development Institute (R4D).  She is a principal investigator on the Transparency for Development (T4D) program for R4D, a mixed-method multi-country implementation and evaluation program seeking to answer whether community-led transparency and accountability efforts can improve health outcomes. Courtney joined R4D in 2007 to manage the Transparency and Accountability Program. She is co-author of Lives in the Balance: Improving Accountability for Public Spending in Developing Nations (Brookings Press), From the Ground Up (Brookings Press), and Using PETS to Monitor Projects and Small-Scale Programs (World Bank).  Courtney graduated from Bowdoin College (B.A. Economics) and holds a Masters of Arts in Economics from the University of Virginia.
This session’s recording will be available on the OGP website, as well as in the World Bank’s E-Institute portal where you can also find the recordings of all the other OGP Webinars.
To JOIN the session on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. EST, please go HEREand login 5 minutes before the webinar is scheduled to start. Please note that you will receive confirmation from AdobeConnect after you register.

I Colóquio de Estudos em Gestão de Políticas Públicas da EACH/USP acontece no próximo dia 23

O I Colóquio de Estudos em Gestão de Políticas Públicas, que ocorrerá na EACH/USP no dia 23 de setembro, das 9h às 20h, discutirá capacidades estatais, orçamento público, políticas sociais e participação, transparência e accountability. 

A mesa Participação, transparência e accountability: avanços e desafios será moderada pela professora Patricia Mendonça, da USP/EACH, contando com:

Cecilia Olivieri – USP/EACH – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Políticas Públicas
Eduardo Pannunzio – FGV – Centro de Pesquisa Jurídica Aplicada da Escola de Direito
Marco Antonio Carvalho Teixeira – FGV/EAESP – Departamento de Gestão Pública 
Paula Chies Schommer – UDESC/ESAG – Grupo de Pesquisa Politeia

O evento será transmitido ao vivo via IPTV da USP.
Mais informações em:

25º Seminário de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Administração e Socioeconômicas é concluído na UDESC

Foi concluído na sexta-feira (4) o 25º Seminário de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Administração e Socioeconômicas, realizado pela ESAG/UDESC, o qual objetiva promover a pesquisa científica universitária, além de integrar alunos e professores de graduação e pós-graduação, foi concluído sexta-feira (4) em Florianópolis. 
O seminário recebeu 29 apresentações de trabalhos científicos de estudantes de graduação dos cursos de Administração, Administração Pública e Ciências Econômicas, ambos em formato de artigos científicos.
O Prêmio Jovem Pesquisador, dedicado ao acadêmico melhor colocado na apresentação – a partir de critérios como domínio do tema, didática, resposta às perguntas e argumentação lógica – foi entregue ao Bolsista de Iniciação Científica do Grupo Politeia, Nicolas Rufino dos Santos, a partir do projeto de pesquisa intitulado “Engajamento cidadão na coprodução de bens e serviços em saúde e segurança pública em Florianópolis”, coordenado pela professora Paula Chies Schommer.
As outras duas melhores posições no ranking de apresentações dos artigos científicos ficaram com Bruno Rosseti Leandro e Luiza Moriggi da Silva.
1º lugar: Nicolas Rufino dos Santos – “Engajamento cidadão na coprodução de bens e serviços em saúde e segurança pública em Florianópolis”. Média final: 99/100. Orientadora: Paula Chies Schommer.
2º lugar: Luiza Moriggi da Silva –  “Contribuições da Teoria do Desenvolvimento Moral (TDM) de Kohlberg ao debate sobre as racionalidades nas organizações”. Média final: 97/100. Orientador: Maurício Custódio Serafim.
2º lugar (empate): Bruno Rosseti Leandro – Gestão ambiental em países emergentes: aspectos institucionais, de comportamento estratégico e de comprometimento de recursos no caso brasileiro”. Média final: 97/100. Orientadora: Graziela Dias Alperstedt.

Chamada para ISTR PhD Seminar aberta até 30 de Setembro

ISTR PhD Seminar*Deadline for Submissions is 30 September 2015*
Stockholm, Sweden, June 26-28, 2016
Ersta Sköndal University College

Call for Applications
ISTR is pleased to announce the third ISTR PhD Seminar preceding the 12th International Conference in Stockholm, Sweden in June 2016. The ISTR PhD Seminar is a recurring event that takes place bi-annually in conjunction with the international conference.
The ISTR PhD Seminar is open to all doctoral students in the field of third sector and civil society research, across the different regions in the world, and at all stages of their doctoral research. The aim of the workshop is to provide doctoral students with the opportunity to receive extensive intellectual and methodological advice on their doctoral research, to introduce them to main theories and developments in the field, to reflect upon publication and career strategies, and to provide a unique opportunity to network with junior and senior scholars within the international ISTR research community.
More specifically, the seminar will consist of both plenary sessions with presentations by leading scholars in the field, and parallel group sessions in which the participants have the opportunity to present and discuss their doctoral research with peers, junior and senior faculty. Participants will be grouped thematically, but the group composition will be heterogeneous in terms of concrete research topics, disciplinary background, research stage, method, and regional affiliation.
The seminar is limited to a group of (up to) 50 doctoral students. Applicants must be members of ISTR and register and attend the conference. The ISTR PhD Seminar will start with an afternoon session followed by an informal dinner on Sunday afternoon, June 26, 2016.  Plenary and group sessions will take place on Monday, June 27 and Tuesday, June 28 (in the morning). Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday. ISTR will cover two nights of accommodation (Sunday June 26 and Monday June 27) as well as coffee breaks and meals during the Seminar. Travel costs will not be refunded.  In addition, ISTR will offer conference registration subsidies. Applicants for discounted registration conference fees should go directly to ISTR. Efforts are under way to secure travel subsidies.  Please check back for updates.
Eligibility and selection criteria
To be eligible for participation, possible applicants should consider the following criteria:
–        To be enrolled as a doctoral student [all stages of the doctoral research are allowed]
–        Working in the field of third sector and civil society research [all academic disciplines are invited]
–        To be a member of ISTR and register  and attend the 2014 conference
–        To be able to participate in the PhD Seminar from Sunday afternoon to Tuesday around noon
–        Be prepared to present and discuss their doctoral work with peers and faculty, and to participate in an active and constructive way in group discussions
Application process:
Interested students should send their application directly to email:  c/o  ISTR PhD Seminar 2016 by September 30, 2015. 
Applications can be downloaded at

For further inquiries, please contact the ISTR Secretariat ( Selected applicants will be notified by November 4, 2015.