Discussion session
Discussions from ongoing research or reflections of experts, without a paper presentation.
Presentation of papers
Table with presentation of papers with research findings.
Discussion between the academic experts and technicians (governmental and
non-governmental) engaged on the practical activities of policy diffusion.
MAY 9 – SESSIONS IN ENGLISHBrazilian Centre of Analysis and PlanningRua Morgado de Mateus, 615 – Vila Mariana
09h00-9h45 Reception, breakfast and retrieval of badges and event material
10h00-10h30 Opening: Angela Alonso, President of CEBRAP
10h30-12h00 The field of policy diffusion: where are we? 
Moderator Osmany Porto de Oliveira (CEBRAP/Unifesp)
Policy diffusion and translation: The case of evidence-based health
agencies in Europe
Patrick Hassenteufel (University of Versailles-Paris Saclay)
Policy Diffusion: Brazil and the USA in a Comparative Perspective Denílson Bandeira Coêlho (University of Brasilia)
Learning in the Transfer Process? David Dolowitz (University of Liverpool)
12h00-13h30 Lunch
13h30-15h00 Municipal innovations and policy diffusion
Moderator Eduardo Marques (Centro de Estudos da Metrópole/USP)
Urban Policy Forums as Relational Sites of Inspiration and Persuasion
Sergio Montero (Universidade de los Andes)
Uneven implementation of “the right to the city” in Latin America:
Statutes, gestures, and urban experiments
Ryan O. Centner (London School of Economics)
Relational policymaking: the grounding and institutionalization of strategic
planning in Rio de Janeiro
Gabriel Silvestre (University College London)
15h00-15h30 Coffee Break
15h30-17h00 The diffusion of Social Movements 
Moderator Débora Alves Maciel (EFLCH / UNIFESP)
The diffusion of repertoires of contention: twin cases
Angela Alonso (CEBRAP)
Brazil divided: characteristics of the diffusion of pro and anti-impeachment
Esther Solano (Unifesp)
MAY 9 – SESSION IN PORTUGUESELivraria da Vila, Alameda Lorena, 1731 – São Paulo, SP
18h30-19h30 Discussion: Brazilian Policy Diffusion – Session in Portuguese 
Osmany Porto de Oliveira (CEBRAP/Unifesp)
Alex Shankland (Institute of Development Studies – University of Sussex)
19h30 Book Launch: “Embaixadores da Participação: a difusão internacional
do Orçamento Participativo”, Editora Annablume.
MAY 10 – SESSIONS IN ENGLISHBrazilian Centre of Analysis and PlanningRua Morgado de Mateus, 615 – Vila Mariana
9h00-10h30 Social Participation and Policy Diffusion 
Moderator Adrian Gurza Lavalle
Participatory Budgeting and the Power of Ambiguity
Gianpaolo Baiocchi (New York University) – To be confirmed
The diffusion of digital instruments for social participation
Gabriela De Brelaz (EPPEN-Unifesp)
The diffusion of transparency policies in Brazil Vanessa Rodrigues (IESP/UERJ)
International Organizations and the diffusion of Participatory Budgeting Osmany Porto de Oliveira (CEBRAP/Unifesp)
10h30-12h00 Politics of Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America 
Moderator Denílson Bandeira Coelho (University of Brasilia)
The origin and dissemination of the Programa Bolsa Família: analytical
rapprochements with the Mexican case
Cristiane Kerches (EACH-USP Leste)
What explains the diffusion of CTP in Latin America? The epistemic
communities and its influence in Chile and Ecuador
Cecilia Osorio Gonnett (Universidad Alberto Hurtado)
The role of the Ministry of Social Development in Programs of
Cash Transfer
Maria Clara Oliveira (DCP-USP/CEM)
12h00-13h30 Lunch
13h30-15h00 Challenges of policy transfer and international cooperation PP
Moderator Vera Schattan Coelho
From policy transfer to mutual learning? Political recognition, power and
process in the emerging landscape of international development
Alex Shankland and Jennifer Constantine (IDS – University of Sussex)
International social protection policy transfer: emerging issues for
Brazilian South-South cooperation
Melissa Pomeroy, Bianca Suyama (Articulação Sul)
South-South Brazilian Cooperation analysed in ligth of policy
transfer theory
Maria do Carmo Rebouças (University of Brasilia)
Policy diffusion within the Global South: Brazil’s support for
pharmaceutical production in Mozambique
Danilo Marcondes de Souza Neto (University of Cambridge)
15h00-15h30 Coffee Break15h30–17h30 Policy diffusion research: where we are going? 
Moderator Osmany Porto de Oliveira (CEBRAP/Unifesp)
Bounded Rationality and Policy Diffusion
Kurt Weyland (University of Texas in Austin)
Beg, Borrow, Steal or Swallow? The Micro-Dynamics and Macro-Effects
of Contemporary Policy Transfers
Leslie Pal (University of Carleton)
Dynamics and paths to the “Latino-americanization” of social policy:
three waves of diffusion in comparative perspective
Carlos Aurélio Pimenta de Faria (Puc-Minas)
MAY 11SESSIONS IN ENGLISHBrazilian Centre of Analysis and PlanningRua Morgado de Mateus, 615 – Vila Mariana
9h00-11h00 International Institutions and Policy Diffusion 
Moderator Cecilia Osorio
The Politics of Monetary Policy Diffusion in Brazil, 1808-2014
Kurt Mettenheim (FGV-EAESP)
Transforming Public Policies in the Global Arena. The Inter-American
Development Bank and the Changing Definition of Violence
Nordin Lazreg (Université de Montréal)
Localization and subsidiarity: in a search of a comparative model for
transnational norms dynamics
Gustavo Macedo (DCP-USP)
The influence of international organizations on public administration: the
dissemination of ideas in a globalized world
Filomena Siqueira e Silva (Ação Educativa/FGV)
DIALOGUES – SESSIONS IN PORTUGUESEAuditório Unifesp – Campus OsascoAngélica, 100 – Jd. das Flores, Osasco – SP
Policy transfer research and international cooperation practice:is there space for mutual learning?
14h00-14h30 Luciana Onusic e Julio Cesar Costa: Opening Session
14h30-16h00 Policy diffusion from a national level 
Moderator Professor Unifesp
Milton Rondó Filho, Ministro, Coordenador-Geral de Cooperação Humanitária e
Combate à Fome (CGFome/Ministério das Relações Exteriores)
Marcos Lopes, Assessor de Programas de Cooperação Humanitária
Internacional da Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação
e Agricultura (FAO)
Karen Fernandez Costa (Unifesp)
Carlos Aurélio Pimenta de Faria (Puc-Minas)
16h00-16h30 Cafezinho
16h30-18h30 Closing: Subnational governments and Policy Diffusion 
Moderator Professor Unifesp
Fernando Santomauro – International Relations Coordinator (Guarulhos
City Hall)
Luciano Jurcovichi Costa – International Relations Coordinator (Osasco City Hall)
Invited Speaker – (São Paulo City Hall)
Jennifer Constantine – (Institute of Development Studies/University of Sussex)
Gabriela de Brelàz (Unifesp)
18h30 Concluding remarks: Osmany Porto de Oliveira (CEBRAP/Unifesp)