Experiência do Observatório de Londrina é estudada por Pesquisadores do Politeia

As pesquisadoras Paula Chies Schommer e Florencia Guerzovich visitaram há duas semanas o Observatório Social de Gestão Pública de Londrina, no Paraná. O trabalho desenvolvido pela organização é de interesse da pesquisa coordenada pelo grupo Politeia, da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, em colaboração com a Rede Observatório Social do Brasil e a U4 – Anti-Corruption Resource Center, centro de pesquisa com sede na Noruega.
Uma síntese da visita foi publicada no site institucional do Observatório Social do Brasil. Confira a notícia na integra:
Experiência do Observatório de Londrina é apresentada no México
A experiência do Observatório de Gestão Pública de Londrina (OGPL) foi apresentada em um evento no México e está sendo estudada por um grupo de pesquisa da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Udesc). O vice-presidente do OGPL, Roger Trigueiros, foi até Cidade do México para participar do Primeiro Encontro Internacional de Controle Cidadão no Âmbito Municipal, organizado pelo Centro de Controladoria Social e Estudos da Construção Democrática.
Trigueiros foi um dos palestrantes do encontro e contou a trajetória do Observatório de Gestão Pública de Londrina. Também explicou como a entidade executa o trabalho de análise de licitações, acompanhamento de contratos, além dos projetos de cidadania, como o Observatório Mirim e o Prêmio Londrina de Cidadania.
Cidade do México se organiza para melhorar a prática do controle social e, por isso, convidou o Observatório de Londrina para contar a experiência concreta de um grupo de moradores que se organizou para criar uma entidade, em busca de maior eficiência e transparência na gestão pública.
Além do Brasil, o encontrou contou com palestrantes e exemplos da Bolívia, Guatemala, Moçambique e do próprio México. “O Primeiro Encontro Internacional de Controle Cidadão no Âmbito Municipal ainda contribuiu para que outras experiências desenvolvidas no mundo fossem conhecidas pelo Observatório”, destacou o vice-presidente Roger Trigueiros.
Pesquisa da Udesc
O trabalho do Observatório de Gestão Pública de Londrina também é alvo de uma pesquisa coordenada pelo grupo Politeia, da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, em colaboração com a Rede Observatório Social do Brasil e a U4 – Anti-Corruption Resource Center, centro de pesquisa com sede na Noruega.
As pesquisadoras Florencia Guerzovich e Paula Chies Schommer estiveram em Londrina neste mês de junho para conhecer o trabalho do OGPL e sua articulação com diversos segmentos, no combate à corrupção e na realização de avanços em gestão pública e em cidadania. Elas acompanharam parte do trabalho cotidiano da equipe do Observatório, participaram da II Conferência Municipal de Transparência e Controle Social e ainda entrevistaram gestores de diversos segmentos, incluindo Prefeitura, CMTU, Câmara, Conselhos Locais, Sebrae, ACIL e jornalistas.
A visita é parte de uma pesquisa sobre o monitoramento de compras e serviços públicos, com foco no trabalho realizado por observatórios sociais. Busca-se identificar elementos de contexto dos observatórios, suas estratégias, resultados, aprendizagem e efeitos em controle social e accountability. Além do Observatório de Gestão Pública de Londrina, a pesquisa detalha a atuação dos Observatórios Sociais de Itajaí, em Santa Catarina, e de Rondonópolis, no Mato Grosso.
Os resultados do trabalho serão divulgados no segundo semestre. Em Londrina, chamou a atenção das pesquisadoras o engajamento e a articulação de diversos segmentos locais na construção de instrumentos pelos quais a cidade vem se destacando no combate à corrupção e na construção de alternativas para qualificar as compras públicas e a governança da cidade.
“O processo de aprendizagem em curso inclui avanços no desenho dos termos de referência, nos aspectos legais, na formação de preços, no incentivo à concorrência, na gestão dos contratos, na fiscalização das entregas de produtos e prestação dos serviços, e, de modo mais geral, nos mecanismos de transparência, controle social e governança. Avanços que são possíveis pelo diálogo e pela articulação entre servidores públicos e cidadãos de diversos segmentos da sociedade”, apontaram as pesquisadoras Florencia Guerzovich e Paula Chies Schommer.
Com informações da Assessoria do OGPL
Fonte: OSB.

Newsletter GPSA – Participação do Grupo de Pesquisa Politeia na Plataforma GPSA

GPSA’s 3rd Call for Proposals Now Open
The Call for Proposals is open to civil society organizations (CSOs) and CSO networks based and operating in any of the eligible countries that have ‘opted-in’ to the GPSA. As announced by World Bank President Kim at the GPSA Global Partners Forum, the GPSA supports projects that address critical governance challenges and strengthen civil society’s capacities for social accountability. Orientation sessions for interested CSOs will be organized at World Bank Country offices. Applications are open until August 12, 2015. Learn more about the Call and how to apply >>>>

Forum Focuses on Citizen-Centric Governance

The GPSA’s 2nd annual Global Partners Forum brought together a diverse and dynamic group of speakers and panelists providing in-depth insight and actionable tools, models, and mechanisms for constructive engagement that have worked in other countries. A variety of case studies served as a discussion point for the ongoing debate and efforts in key areas in the field of social accountability such as:healthcare, education, and infrastructure. World Bank President Kim engaged in a discussion on results and impact of these approaches: “We want to find the solutions coming out of all your great ideas, and then spread them and take them to scale.”

7 Social Accountability Leaders Honored for Impact in the Field

In an Award Ceremony on May 12, the GPSA recognized seven individuals in government and civil society organizations for their outstanding contributions, influence and impact in the field of social accountability as a means to eradicate poverty and foster shared prosperity. The winners are respected leaders in social accountability, and this award serves as a celebration of their achievements in the field. They are: Ibrahim Tanko Amidu, Ghana; Corazon Juliano-Soliman, The Philippines; Gonzalo Hernandez Licona, Mexico; Iftekhar Zaman, Bangladesh; Aicha Ech-Chenna, Morocco; Maia Sandu, Moldova; Oded Grajew, Brazil. Learn more about the winners and the award>>>
We asked each Awardee what this award meant to them. Secretary Corazon “Dinky” Juliano-Soliman answered, “If you work in government, as I have experienced for the last 10 years, praise comes few and far in between. There are more criticisms in a day than a thank-you, and this award gives me the encouragement and inspiration… that what we’re doing is important.” The interviews will be available on our website soon.

GPSA Working Paper 1 Available Online in English, Arabic, French and Spanish

This working paper, ‘Social Accountability: What Does the Evidence Really Say?’ by Prof. Jonathan Fox (American University) explores the distinction between tactical and strategic approaches to the promotion of citizen voice to contribute to improved public sector performance. It is now available online in English, Arabic, French and Spanish. 

GPSA Grantees Meet for Capacity Building Workshop

On May 14-15, over 70 GPSA grantees representing 23 projects in 17 countries met in Washington, D.C. to share, reflect and discuss on their social accountability projects. In a series of plenary sessions and breakout groups, participants discussed their own experiences with constructive engagement, project implementation challenges, building communication skills and partnerships, and adaptive learning, among others. The Workshop ended with a discussion about key takeaways and next steps. As we move forward from projects’ original design and into implementation, assumptions were tested, and challenges become a reality. View the photos here>>>

Mauritania & Guinea Become Latest Countries to Join GPSA

On May 8, 2015, the Government of Mauritania informed the World Bank Office in a letter of consent of its decision to opt-in to the GPSA. This follows the decision by the Government of Guinea to opt-in. The GPSA makes grants available to civil society organizations (CSOs) in countries where governments have consented. CSOs in Mauritania and Guinea are now eligible to participate in the current Call for Proposals. In total, 45 countries have opted-in to the GPSA to date.
GPSA Grantees:

Malawi | CARE Co-Produces Series of Videos to Address Community Concerns

Raising the Score is a collaborative storytelling project that documents the impact of CARE’s Community Score Card (CSC)© on improving maternal health service in Malawi.TheRaising the Score films were produced by the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill School of Journalism and Mass Communication and University of Malawi journalism students in collaboration with CARE. To see all the short films and learn more about the project visit: www.raisingthescore.org. View the trailer here>>>

Moldova| PAS Center Launches New Project Promoting a Better Health System

On April 24, the Center for Health Policies together with the Institute for Public Policies have officially launched the project Promoting Social Accountability for a better Preforming Health System. The overall development objective of this proposal is to empower citizens through promotion of an enabling environment for social accountability interventions that would result in an improvement of health governance and in health sector development effectiveness in Moldova. As part of the project, the PAS Center will assist the Government of the Republic of Moldova in improving governance and efficiency of the health system, as well as improve the social accountability environment. The goal of this project will be to improve hospital performance by 20 percent and hospital efficiency by 25 percent. Another expected outcome is that the Ministry of Health and National Health Insurance Company operate corrective measures to improve public policy process and to develop recommendations for development of the Healthcare Development Strategy for Years 2017-2027. 

“Are We Really Learning? Making Grant-making Practices More Conducive to Grantee Learning” | Webinar & E-Forum with the Transparency and Accountability Initiative | June 3-24 | 

Organizations need to learn constantly, and translate that learning into practice. Too often, external funding can force organizations towards rigid and linear projects with little scope for adaptation and little incentive (or support) to prioritize learning. So how can grant-making processes be more conducive to grantee learning without it becoming an imposed external agenda? Multiple participants will represent a wide range of grant-making institutions and grant recipients from philanthropic foundations, official aid agencies and civil society. Read more and watch the Webinar>>>

Past Events

Did you miss a GPSA Brown Bag Lunch? Webinar? See video recordings of past events:

When and How do Digital Technologies Strengthen Citizen Voice and Collective Action? | Brown Bag Lunch exploring whether the internet has made governments more accountable by helping to strengthen citizen voice and collective action. | May 26, 2015 | Read more and watch the recording>>>
Improving Social Well-Being Through New Participatory Institutions | Brown Bag Lunch discussing the results of research evaluating the role of participatory budgeting for improving citizens’ well-being. | May 20, 2015 | Read more and watch the recording>>>
The Role of Ombudsman Institutions in Promoting Citizen-Centric Governance & Inclusive Institutions | Roundtable with the World Bank and the International Ombudsman Institute, discussing the role of Ombudsman Institutions in promoting citizen rights, and overseeing government agencies and service providers. Click HERE to read the report on the event, and watch the recording HERE.
The Quest for Citizen-led Accountability – looking into the state | Research workshop discussing how to better understand when and if citizen-initiated accountability efforts contribute to greater responsiveness and accountability. | April 30, 2015 | Read more and watch the Recording>>>

GPSA Global Partners

In the last month, the GPSA has partnered with three new organizations. The Global Partners group now includes over 250 organizations. View the complete list of partners here >>


Interview | Why Did You Join the Knowledge Platform?

The Knowledge Platform is the GPSA’s main tool for supporting the learning, networking and knowledge exchange of the GPSA’s grantees and of other CSOs working on social accountability in the global south.
We asked one active member of the Knowledge Platform, Paula Chies Schommer, to tell us more about why she joined and how it has enriched her work: “I joined the Knowledge Platform to learn and participate in the latest debates and trends on social accountability and to bring those to the Brazilian academic field. Over the last year, I have coordinated research projects on citizen engagement, social control, co-production of public services, public management, and social accountability. The Platform’s knowledge exchange activities are useful for enriching mine and my colleagues’ research work at the University of Santa Catarina in Southern Brazil, and for enhancing my students’ knowledge on accountability.” Read the whole interview here>>>
Moving towards a strategic approach to social accountability in post-conflict contexts: the Tuungane experience in Democratic Republic Congo, By Isatou Batonon
Organizations working on large-scale and complex recovery programs in post-conflict contexts tend to latch on to the tangible and the predictable whenever they can. This has been International Rescue Committee’s experience implementing the Tuungane program in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the largest community-driven reconstruction programs in the world. Read more>>>
The Right Intention”: Setting Up Civic Engagement Platforms, By Fabrizio Scrollini
“Por mi Barrio” (For my Borough-FMB) is a new initiative implemented in Montevideo, Uruguay by DATA Uruguay and that is based on the Fixmystreet software. FMB allows locals to report incidents to the local government turning this process open and transparent. Read more>>>
What Do Civic Apps Need To Strengthen Their Ecosystem And Promote Social Change? By Marcio Vasconcelos Pinto
The field of technologies for social change has been active for more than a decade. The Accelerator Fund proposes an approach from a “Theory of Change”, which is based on the articulation of offline-online processes, so that civic-technological apps can leap forward and promote true transformation and social change in their ecosystems. Read more>>>

GPSA Brief Note | Does Collaboration with Civil Society Strengthen Accountability Institutions? An Exploration |

How citizens interact and collaborate with accountability institutions has been the subject of much careful review in recent years. This Brief Note highlights key points from the discussion. But first, perhaps we should clarify what we mean by “accountability institutions.” Accountability Institutions (AIs) include anti-corruption bodies, supreme audit institutions (SAIs), ombudsman institutions (OIs) and human rights commissions. Read here>>>
World Bank Online Survey about Budget Information | The World Bank, Open Budget Partnership are undertaking an online survey encouraging civil society organizations working on budget analysis/advocacy to provide their feedback on the accessibility, use and impact of this data in their country.The survey aims at enhancing our understanding of current uses of budget information by relevant stakeholders around the world, as well as the perceived existing barriers (in terms of data coverage and accessibility, technical capacities, enabling environment, etc.) to their deeper engagement in budget processes.Contribute to this initiative here>>>
GPSA is on Twitter! Follow @GPSA_org and #SocialAcc

Conferência da ISTR de 2016 será em Estocolmo.

Estocolmo, na Suécia, será o palco da próxima edição da International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR). O evento será realizado entre os dias 28 de junho e 01 de julho de 2016.
O tema central dos debates será “The Third Sector in Transition:  Accountability, Transparency, and Social Innovation” – O Terceiro Setor em Transição: Accountability, Transparência e Inovação Social. A ISTR é uma comunidade global que reúne pesquisadores, policy makers, líderes de organizações do terceiro setor, dedicados a criar, discutir e fazer avançar os conhecimentos sobre o Terceiro Setor e os impactos sobre a sociedade civil, o Estado e as políticas públicas.
Abstracts podem ser encaminhados até o dia 26 de outubro de 2015. As linhas temáticas contempladas para a edição de 2016 são:
– Terceiro Setor e o Estado de Bem-Estar Social;
– Sociedade Civil e Democracia;
– ONGs e Globalização;
– Accountability e Transparência;
– Inovação Social e Investimento Social Privado;
– Políticas Públicas e Advocacy;
– Filantropia e Fundações;
– Voluntariado e Co-produção;
– Gestão de Organizações do Terceiro Setor;
– Áreas emergentes na Teoria e na Prática das Organizações do Terceiro Setor;
Os abstracts e papers completos devem ser escritos em inglês. O evento é uma oportunidade para conhecer pesquisadores e gestores do mundo todo.
Mais detalhes sobre a Conferência e a cidade de Estocolmo você pode acessar AQUI.
Palácio Real de Estocolmo

O evento tem relação direta com as Pesquisas do Grupo de Pesquisa Politeia, focadas em temas como a Coprodução do Bem Público, Governança, Accountability e Accountability Social.

Vamos pra Estocolmo?

Sete premiados pelo Banco Mundial – GPSA por sua liderança em Accountability Social

Neste dia 12 de Maio, sete pessoas de diferentes regiões do mundo foram premiadas pelo Banco Mundial, no âmbito do programa Global Partnership for Social Accountability, GPSA, por sua liderança em accountability social.

Um dos premiados é o brasileiro Oded Grajew, reconhecido pelo conjunto de realizações em sua trajetória, incluindo a mobilização empresarial em torno da responsabilidade social, da ética e do desenvolvimento sustentável, a realização do Fórum Social Mundial e a construção da Rede Nossa São Paulo e da Rede Social Brasileira por Cidades Justas, Democráticas e Sustentáveis.
A seguir a notícia publicada pelo GPSA. Vale a pena conferir as realizações de cada um dos premiados e a contribuição que os mesmos tem feito para aproximar governantes e cidadãos na realização da accountability, qualificando e democratizando a produção de bens e serviços públicos.
The Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA), an initiative of the World Bank is pleased to announce the winners of the first GPSA Award for Leadership in Social Accountability. The winners are respected leaders in social accountability, and this award serves as a celebration of their achievements in the field.

In an Award Ceremony and Cocktail hosted by Sanjay Pradhan, World Bank Vice President for Leadership, Learning, and Innovation, on May 12, the GPSA awardED seven individuals in government and civil society organizations for their outstanding contributions, influence and impact in the field of social accountability as a means to eradicate poverty and foster shared prosperity.

There are six regional winners – each representing a geographic region: Africa, East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, and South Asia. There is also one special Lifetime Achievement award winner.

The award ceremony happened on the first day of the broader GPSA Forum, a two-day event (May 12-13) which focuses on the shifting paradigm in social accountability towards a citizen-centric governance approach. Learn more about the GPSA Forum here: www.thegpsa.org/sa/forum-2015.

The winners are:
AFRICA REGION: Ibrahim Tanko Amidu – Programme Manager, STAR-Ghana (CSO) – Ghana
EAST ASIA & PACIFIC REGION: Corazon Juliano-Soliman – Secretary of Social Welfare and Development (Gov) – The Philippines
LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN REGION: Gonzalo Hernández Licona – Executive Secretary, CONEVAL (Gov) – Mexico
SOUTH ASIA REGION: Iftekhar Zaman – Executive Director, Transparency International Bangladesh (CSO) – Bangladesh
MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REGION: Aicha Ech-Chenna – Founder, Solidarite Feminine (CSO) – Morocco
EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA: Maia Sandu – Minister of Education (Gov) – Moldova
LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD: Oded Grajew – Founder and General Coordinator, Rede Nossa Sao Paulo (CSO) – Brazil

To learn more about the GPSA Forum & Award Ceremony, please visit our website:www.thegpsa.org


Ibrahim Tanko Amidu
STAR-Ghana (CSO)

Ibrahim Tanko Amidu brought together development practitioners and CSOs to learn and support each other in implementing new participatory approaches to development. His greatest achievement has been focusing STAR-Ghana on supporting the piloting of innovative strategies linking citizens’ voices into governance processes. This has led to the adoption by the Parliament of social accountability approaches in its interface with citizens, while CSOs have increased their capacity to engage with government and promote social accountability approaches in the governance of social services delivery.

Corazon Juliano-SolimanDepartment of Social Welfare

Secretary Soliman led the task of promoting synergy and inter-operability in government agencies through bottom-up approaches, and coordinating agencies’ work with local government with focus on the poorest localities and families. Under her leadership, the program was expanded nationwide to become the National Community-Driven Development Program, becoming best practice not only in the Philippines but also worldwide. Secretary Soliman also leads efforts to strengthen accountability among civil society organizations and champions the empowerment of marginalized Filipinos through Pantawid Pamilya, the Philippines’ Conditional Cash Transfer program.

Gonzalo Hernández Licona 

Gonzalo Hernández Licona is head of CONEVAL, an independent council created by the Mexican Congress to produce official data on poverty in Mexico and to regulate and coordinate the evaluation of social programs and policies. Hernández Licona, together with his fellow council members, has played a key role in creating a culture of results-based social policy-making in Mexico, has expanded the Council’s mandate to include the sub-national state-level, and has installed an open data policy in which citizens not only have access to results, but can full access to data and methods to scrutinize and replicate results.

Iftekhar Zaman
Transparency International Bangladesh (CSO)

Iftekhar Zaman has been instrumental in advocating for transparency and good governance, despite shrinking social space for dissent in Bangladesh. Under his leadership TIB has catalyzed several institutional, legal and policy and established a country wide network of over 6,500 anti-corruption platform of volunteers as Committees of Concerned Citizens and Youth Engagement & Support. TIB has created forums and mechanisms through which citizens can raise their opposition to corruption.

Aicha Ech-ChennaSolidarite Fèminine (CSO)

Aicha Ech-Chenna has dedicated over 50 years of her life to defend the cause of single mothers and their children in Morocco, where children conceived outside marriage are considered illegitimate and have no rights. Ms. Ech-Chenna not only defends mothers and children’s dignity and civil recognition but also offers them a chance to be fully integrated in Moroccan society. Her activism has helped establish the right of single mothers to be the legal guardians of their children. She has changed the conception of Moroccan society toward single mothers and put the authorities face-to-face with their reality, expanding the role of local authorities in the protection of children.

Maia SanduMinistry of Education

An economist by training, and a holder of MA degree from Harvard, Maia Sandu, Minister Sandu employs a systemic and rational approach in trying to raise the quality of education in a cost-effective way. Apart from the recently adopted new Education code, her signature policy has been the enforcement of strict anti-cheating rules during high school graduation exams, which made her a national hero among many supporters from society. She works to engage NGO and citizens in the education debate by encouraging their role in monitoring the quality of education service delivery.

Oded Grajew 
Rede Nossa Sao Paulo (CSO)

Oded Grajew is a Brazilian businessman and serial social entrepreneur. He is one of the founders of Brazil’s corporate social responsibility movement and has focused on strengthening democracy in Brazil throughout his trajectory. He has founded and led several instituions including PNBE, the Abrinq Foundation for Children and Adolescents’ Rights, ANDI, the Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility, the World Social Forum and the Our Sao Paulo Network. The Our Sao Paulo network aims to engage society and governments in promoting a more sustainable, democratic and fair country with a better quality of life for citizens. The Network is an important political and social force during these years, uniting around 700 organizations in order to promote fundamental changes in the city of Sao Paulo.

“Social Accountability for Citizen-Centric Governance: A Changing Paradigm” será o tema do GPSA Global Partners Forum 2015

Social Accountability for Citizen-Centric Governance: A Changing Paradigm
Washington, DC | May 12-13, 2015
The GPSA Partners Forum brings together civil society organizations, academia, businesses and governments from all around the globe, providing a space to reflect on social accountability theory and practice, and define the future social accountability agenda.

This 2015 Forum will focus on the shifting paradigm in social accountability towards a citizen-centric governance approach. We will explore how the emerging concept of ‘strategic’ social accountability will play an important role in how citizen-centered governance is realized.
The Forum will explore strategic social accountability practice and learning in key sectors such as health, education, municipal services, extractives and others. Topical issues for strategic social accountability practice such as political economy interventions, constructive engagement, coalition building, citizen trust, and others, will be deliberated.
A highlight of the Forum will be the presence of the World Bank Group President, Jim Yong Kim, for a direct dialogue with GPSA partners, and the presentation of the GPSA Leadership in Social Accountability Awards. 

Source and details: http://www.thegpsa.org/sa/forum-2015

Grupo Politeia recebe visita de especialista em transparência pública

Pesquisadores do grupo de pesquisa Politeia, do Centro de Ciências da Administração e Socioeconômicas (Esag) da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Udesc), receberam na tarde desta segunda-feira, 2, a visita do jornalista Fabiano Angélico, especialista em temas relacionados às áreas de transparência pública, acesso à informação e accountability.

Pesquisador, consultor, palestrante e instrutor com atuação no meio acadêmico, no setor público e em organizações do terceiro setor, Angélico já realizou pesquisas e consultorias para organizações como Banco Mundial, Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (Unesco), Global Integrity, Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não Governamentais (Abong), Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo (Abraji) e Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU).
Fabiano Angélico Mestre em Administração Pública e Governo pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) de São Paulo, ele abordou em sua dissertação a Lei de Acesso a Informação Pública, em vigor no Brasil desde 2012, analisando os obstáculos para sua implementação e seus possíveis desdobramentos para a accountability democrática.
Na Udesc Esag, Angélico foi recepcionado pelos pesquisadores Paula Chies Schommer, Ênio Spaniol, Luciana Ronconi, Emiliana Debetir e Elaine Menezes, entre outros docentes e acadêmicos vinculados ao grupo Politeia.

Futuras parcerias

O encontro abordou temas afins à atuação de Angélico e à diferentes pesquisas e iniciativas em andamento no centro de ensino, como os projetos de extensão Observatório Floripa Cidadã e Coproduzindo o Controle em São José, e sobre possíveis projetos futuros em parceria.
Angélico falou sobre as iniciativas de estímulo ao controle social e acesso à informação realizadas na Controladoria Geral do Município de São Paulo, onde atua.
O grupo também debateu a definição de prioridades no controle interno de órgãos públicos, que podem servir para o controle por organizações da sociedade civil, e a relevância da capacitação dos conselheiros de políticas públicas e cidadãos para o uso da Lei de Acesso à Informação, como caminho para o monitoramento da administração pública e para melhoria da qualidade dos serviços públicos.


Durante a visita, o pesquisador gravou participações nos programas Nas Entrelinhas, da Rádio Udesc FM Florianópolis, e Conexão Pública, da TV da Assembléia Legislativa de Santa Catarina (TVAL), ambos produzidos em parceria com docentes e acadêmicos da Udesc Esag.

Criado em 2003, o grupo de pesquisa Politeia – Coprodução do Bem Público: Accountability e Gestão se dedica ao estudo e à compreensão da coprodução de bens e serviços públicos em rede, envolvendo a participação ativa da burocracia pública, de governantes, cidadãos e organizações empresariais e associativas.

Para assistir ao programa Conexão Pública: Transparência Governamental e Accountability Social

Pesquisador gravou programas na Rádio Udesc FM Florianópolis e na TVAL
Assessoria de Comunicação da Udesc Esag
Jornalista Gustavo Cabral Vaz
E-mail: gustavo.vaz@udesc.br
Telefone: (48) 3321-8281  
Fonte: http://www.esag.udesc.br/?idNoticia=12419

GPSA Webinar: How can citizens collaborate and engage with accountability institutions to improve government performance and access to fundamental rights?

In this webinar, Professor Peruzzotti analyses why, how and under which conditions accountability institutions can engage and work with citizens. The webinar will also showcase many practical experiences of collaboration among these institutions and citizens in different countries and contexts.

March 10, 2015 10:00 am EST

Enrique Peruzzotti is professor at the Department of Political Science and International Studies at the Torcuato Di Tella University and a researcher of CONICET. His areas of interest are civil society and democracy in Latin America. He has worked in various projects of civil society in Latin America, which focused on the analysis of new forms of civil politicization such as a regional movement of human rights and diverse organized initiatives demanding accountability.
He was a Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow (2009-2010). He has been visiting researcher in the The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, UNRISD, The National Endowment for Democracy, LSE, The University of New Mexico, and visiting professor in The American University of Paris, FLACSO Ecuador, University of Kentucky, The National University of Rosario and the Federal University of Minas Gerais. He has published numerous books and articles on democratization and social control in Latin America.
The following two articles are related to the webinar that will be presented:
Enrique Peruzzotti (2012). “THE SOCIETALIZATION OF HORIZONTAL ACCOUNTABILITY: RIGHTS ADVOCACY AND THE DEFENSOR DEL PUEBLO DE LA NACION IN ARGENTINA” in Ryan Goodman and Thomas Pegram (eds.) Human Rights, State Compliance, and Social Change. Assessing National Human Rights Institutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.