Webinar: Economia Política e Accountability Social (inglês)

GPSA Knowledge Platform – Upcoming Webinar

Doing political economy analysis better: CARE’s experience

With Tom Aston

About the Webinar

10:00 am EST
For the last four years, CARE has undertaken political economy assessments in 12 countries located in different regions, such as Peru, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Egypt, Uganda, Malawi, DRC, Ethiopia, Zambia, India and Kenya. That experience has helped CARE to identify relevant issues to consider when doing PEA and to develop and fine-tune a Guide on Political Economy Analysis (PEA). In this webinar, Tom Aston, will share CARE´s experience supporting PEA assessments in these various countries and key lessons learned for making PEA more operationally relevant and thus achieve social and political change.
About the Speaker

https://gallery.mailchimp.com/a3b7477a077434202f5be1265/images/4c216263-382f-4d22-bde0-5ff6d7efa298.pngTom Aston is a Governance Advisor at CARE. Tom joined CARE International UK in 2012, having previously been based in CARE Bolivia’s office since 2007. He has experience working in the design, development and delivery of governance projects in Latin America and the Middle East. He is also responsible for M&E and knowledge management in CARE’s governance work globally. Tom has an MSc in Development Administration and Planning from University College London (UCL) and is also carrying out a PhD on the political economy of cash transfers in Bolivia at the same university. Previously, Tom worked as a research consultant for the Overseas Development Institute’s (ODI) Social Development Team.
In order to participate in this Webinar, you will need to be registered to the GPSA Knowledge Platform and logged in. If you did not create your account yet, do ithere. If you are already registered to the Knowledge Platform, you do not need to do anything.
Just log in the platform and go 
here on January 26, at least 10 minutes before 10:00 am EST. A link to the webinar will be provided here on January 25.
Copyright © 2014 Fundar, Centro de Análisis e Investigación, All rights reserved.
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CALL FOR PAPERS – SPECIAL ISSUE SOCIAL INNOVATION: Researching, defining and theorizing social innovation

RAM – Revista de Administração Mackenzie

Invited Editors:
Cláudia Cristina Bitencourt – Unisinos/Brasil Luciano Barin Cruz – HEC
Montreal/Canada Emmanuel Raufflet – HEC Montreal/Canada

Submission deadline: February 15, 2016

Issue estimated: July/August/2016

Societal problems represent both opportunities and hallenges for organizations. Issues such as poverty, climate change and inequality can be seen either as a burden or as a source for innovation. Multinational Corporations, Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs), Cooperatives and Social-Purpose Organizations have engaged in projects that can tackle some of these major societal issues.
Social innovation has emerged in recent years as an area of interest for scholars and practitioners (Nicholls et al. 2015). Although it has been discussed under different definitions, we refer to social innovation here as “new organizational and institutional forms, new ways of doing things, new social practices, new mechanisms, new approaches and new concepts that give rise to concrete achievements and improvements.” (CRISES, 2004:1).
The purpose of this Special Issue is to encourage scholars to view social innovation under different perspectives. We acknowledge the extent of empirical experiences based on different parts of the world and we wish to propose an open and systematic debate on theories influencing social innovation, methods used to study social innovation, managerial aspects of social innovation and types of social innovation.
This call is structured on the following (non-excluding) issues:
Theories influencing social innovation: Institutional theory (Barin Cruz, Delgado, Leca & Gond, forthcoming; Mair, Marti & Ventrasca, 2012), strategy (Herrera, 2015), and leadership (Marcy, 2015), resourced-based-view and competencies (Hart, 1995; Bitencourt & Oliveira, 2014; Berti & Bitencourt, 2012), organizational learning and learning based on social spaces (Chalmers, 2012; Mozzato & Bitencourt, 2014) are examples of theories that have been used to analyse SI in management. What is the potential of these theories in contributing to the SI issue? What other theoretical approaches have the potential to advance SI literature? What are possible contributions by theories from other fields (e.g. geography, political science, sociology, etc.) to explain further the SI phenomena? Is there such a thing as an SI theory or it is a phenomenon that needs an inter-disciplinarian approach to be explained and understood?
Research Methods and social innovation: SI can be understood from diverse angles (e.g. product, process, organizational form, outcomes, etc.), multiple methods can help to map, define and conceptualize social innovation and advance literature in the field. SI is also viewed as a research process per se which shifts the role of researchers to co-creators of social innovation. Which methods and epistemological approaches are mobilized to analyze different types of SI? From an epistemological dimension, what are the experiences of co-creating social innovation among researchers and actors? From a methodological viewpoint, what are the respective advantages of qualitative and quantitative methods in this field? How to use mix methods in the area and what are their potential and limitations? What are the implications of different data collection and analysis techniques?
Organizational aspects: “Managing” SI may be an oxymoron. For “managers” it is challenging and differs widely depending on the circumstances. In the case of social purpose organizations, sometimes, the use of traditional managerial tools and processes may not be adequate (Brown, 2015; Bitencourt et. al., 2014; Raufflet, Berranger & Gouin, 2008; Raufflet & Gurgel, 2007). We would like to explore several aspects of SI management. How is the SI development process (from an idea to its implementation)? What are the related SI phases and levels? How is the cooperative relationship between different agents involved in the SI unfolding process? What are the SI governance challenges?
Types of social innovation: SI can be seen as a product and a process. It can also be an organizational form with a social purpose, such as cooperatives (Leca, Gond & Barin Cruz, 2014), NGOs, social businesses (Yunus, Moingeon & Lehmann-Ortega, 2010), as a project with a social purpose in a traditional company (Porter & Kramer, 2011), as well as processes between organizations. Considering these multiple types of social innovation, we encourage studies aimed at issues such as: What are the facilitators and inhibitors involved in SI?; What is the impact of SI (transformations and other results) at different levels (individual, organizational, institutional)? How to evaluate the impacts and effects of social innovation? Do different types of SI always produce social transformation? Can social transformation be negative? What is the role of social entrepreneurs in social innovation?
This special issue welcomes submission of theoretical and/or empirical qualitative or quantitative studies, with a clear contribution to the advancement of knowledge in one or more of the four areas previously approached.
It must be noted that RAM will only accept unpublished journal papers.
Papers submitted in conferences are allowed. For this Special Issue, only papers written in English will be accepted.
Interested authors are strongly encouraged to submit their papers for review and publication. All Articles judged suitable for consideration will be reviewed in a double peer review process.

Authors can submit papers online to “Social Innovation” section at
– At IDIOMA, select English.

See main page of RAM at:


Lançamento da VII edição do IRBEM – Rede Nossa São Paulo

A Rede Nossa São Paulo e a Federação do Comércio de Bens, Serviços e Turismo do Estado de São Paulo (FecomercioSP) preparam o lançamento da 7ª edição da pesquisa IRBEM – Indicadores de Referência de Bem-Estar no Município.
O evento será no próximo dia 19 de janeiro, das 9h30 às 12h30, no Teatro Raul Cortez.
Realizada pelo Ibope Inteligência, a pesquisa IRBEM revela a percepção dos paulistanos sobre a qualidade de vida e o bem-estar na capital paulista.

Lançado anualmente às vésperas do aniversário de São Paulo, o levantamento aborda temas que envolvem tanto aspectos subjetivos, como sexualidade, espiritualidade, consumo e lazer, quanto os que tratam das condições objetivas de vida nas áreas de saúde, educação, meio ambiente, habitação e trabalho.

A pesquisa de percepção apresentará ainda, pelo nono ano consecutivo, a avaliação dos moradores da cidade sobre as instituições (Prefeitura, Câmara Municipal, Polícia Militar, Tribunal de Contas, Poder Judiciário etc.) e os serviços públicos.

A atividade contará com a participação de lideranças sociais e representantes do poder público. O prefeito de São Paulo, Fernando Haddad, foi convidado para participar do evento, que é gratuito e aberto ao público.

Os principais pré-candidatos à Prefeitura de São Paulo também foram convidados para o lançamento da pesquisa.

Lançamento da 7ª edição da pesquisa IRBEM
Data: dia 19 de janeiro, terça-feira
Horário: 9h30 às 12h30
Local: Teatro Raul Cortez – na FecomercioSP
Endereço: Rua Doutor Plínio Barreto, 285 – Bela Vista

Importante: Vagas limitadas à lotação do teatro.

Inscreva-se no link http://www.fecomercio.com.br/EventosInscricao/Get/14736

Fonte: Secretaria Executiva da Rede Nossa São Paulo – http://www.nossasaopaulo.org.br/

First step guidance for active participation in the changing process of the extractive industry

*Our thanks to Luiza Stein da Silva for the design and editing.

** Links:

Social Accountability E-Guide: https://saeguide.worldbank.org/
EITI Project: https://eiti.org/
How countries can implement the EITI Standard: https://eiti.org/eiti/implementation
Validation: Assessing impact: http://progrep.eiti.org/2015/glance/validation
Transparency & Accountability Initiative:
Natural resource Charter: http://naturalresourcecharter.org/
Model Mining Development Agreement: http://www.mmdaproject.org/

Our Money, Our Responsibility: A Citizens’ Guide to Monitoring Government Expenditures: http://internationalbudget.org/publications/our-money-our-responsibility-a-citizens-guide-to-monitoring-government-expenditures/

Public sector innovation through collaboration: opportunity for PhD Candidates

For the inter-university research project ‘Public sector innovation through collaboration (PSI-CO)’ we are looking for

Three PhD candidates
for research into
Public Sector Innovation through Collaboration
Confronted with major budgetary pressures and grand societal challenges, governments increasingly engage and set-up collaborative interaction within and across governmental levels and with societal actors. These cooperation forms are used to stimulate innovation in policy and service delivery, which in turn can be viewed as a means to deal with the budgetary pressures and social challenges.

The interuniversity consortium ‘Public Sector Innovation through Collaboration’ (2016-2020), coordinated by Professor Koen Verhoest (UAntwerpen) consists of four Belgian universities and one Dutch university and is funded by the BRAIN program. The partners will work together and study how specific collaborative arrangements can lead to innovation and how the Belgian federal government and other governments can support and enhance these collaborations. Both Belgian and foreign collaborative practices in different policy domains will be investigated, using case studies, surveys and action research (Living Labs methodology). The research aims to generate both fundamental/scientific insights (PhDs and publications) and policy-oriented insights (recommendations for Belgian federal government and/or other governments).

Within the PSI-CO interuniversity consortium we have three vacancies for doctoral researchers (PhD scholarships):
  •       The research group ‘Public Administration & Management’ (Prof. dr. Koen Verhoest – University of Antwerp, Department of Political Sciences) is looking for a doctoral researcher to analyse how collaboration by public organizations within and across governmental levels can lead to innovations in policy and service delivery, and how a government can facilitate, govern and improve such collaborative arrangements. Link to vacancy – deadline 22 January 2016:
  •       The ‘Public Governance Institute’ (Prof. dr. Trui Steen – KULeuven) is looking for a doctoral researcher to analyse how coproduction with external stakeholders (citizens, non-profit organizations, companies) can lead to innovations in policy and service delivery, and which organizational conditions are crucial for governments to facilitate this. Link to vacancy – deadline 22 January 2016: https://icts.kuleuven.be/apps/jobsite/vacatures/53584419
  •       The research group ‘Centre Montesquieu d’étude de l’action publique’ (Prof.dr. David Aubin – ‘Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Institut de sciences politiques Louvain-Europe’) is looking for a doctoral researcher to analyse how the individual policy officers and public managers behave and learn in collaborative arrangements, and how their skills and attitudes can stimulate innovation in policy and service delivery in such arrangements. Link to vacancy – deadline 11 January 2016: https://www.uclouvain.be/481550.html

There are two other partners involved in the research. SPIRAL (prof.dr. Cathérine Fallon, Université de Liège, department Political Sciences) will be coordinating the action research through the Living Lab methodology. Erasmus University Rotterdom (prof.dr. Victor Bekkers and Dr. Lars Tummers) will provide an international benchmark of the research findings.

Applications are to be submitted online by 11 January 2016 in  case of the application for the Louvain-La-Neuve position, and by 22 January 2016 in case of the application for the UAntwerpen and KULeuven positions. If desired, candidates are allowed to apply to more than one vacancy. For more information please look at the separate vacancies on the websites of the three universities. Specific application requirements, job descriptions, profile requirements and what we offer can be read here as well. 
Please pay attention to the language requirements: candidates are assumed to have knowledge of Dutch or French (depending on the vacant post they apply for).

Please forward this to any interested potential candidates – also candidates who aim to finalise their master in June-July 2016 might apply.

The research team,
Koen Verhoest, Trui Steen, David Aubin, Cathérine Fallon, Victors Bekkers en Lars Tummers

Call for papers for the IIAS Study Group on ‘Coproduction of Public Services’

Call for papers for the IIAS Study Group on ‘Coproduction of Public Services’
Tampere, 13-14 June 2016 
The IIAS Study Group on ‘Coproduction of Public Services’ is organizing its fourth open meeting. Our aim is to create and nurture an intellectual platform for the theoretical discussion and empirical analysis of coproduction and its implications for the organization and management of public services.
The Study Group on Coproduction of Public Services
Earlier meetings organized by the study group established a small-scale, active, and sustainable research network of scholars focused on the coproduction of public services. The study group provides a forum to discuss challenging research on innovations in public service delivery that include citizen co-production. The study group has collaborated in the publication of special issues in international public administration journals. The study group aims to further enable close intercontinental collaboration among coproduction scholars, including establishing joint research programs and developing and sharing a database of international case studies and survey data on coproduction. As part of the 2016 study group meeting in Tampere, a roundtable will be organized to discuss collaboration in a new book project on coproduction, edited by Taco Brandsen, Bram Verschuere, and Trui Steen and to be published by Routledge.
Conference Topics
Coproduction refers to the involvement of both citizens and public sector professionals in the delivery of public services. Although countries differ in the extent to which citizens play a role in the provision of public services, the idea of coproduction is gaining ground around the world.
The overarching goal of this meeting of the study group is to advance our conceptual, theoretical, and empirical understanding of coproduction. To that end, we are particularly interested in papers that tackle the complexity of coproduction in terms of frameworks for analysis, applications of relevant theory, and empirical study. Specifically, we are interested in research questions such as:
          What frameworks are useful for advancing our understanding of coproduction? Frameworks specify general sets of variables (and the relationships among the variables) that are of interest to a researcher. As conceptual constructs, frameworks are particularly useful for identifying the major variables relevant for understanding and analysis. The development of frameworks for coproduction and their usage in empirical research will be critical to developing some continuity in future studies.
          What theories are relevant for understanding coproduction? Theories provide interpretive structures for frameworks by providing explanations, predictions, or diagnosis about how the variables within a framework interact, fit together, or perform over time. Theories might focus on one area of a framework or address the framework as a whole. Many theories are likely to be applicable to and advance or understanding of coproduction, particularly when combined with models for empirical analysis.
         What do we know from the empirical study of coproduction of public services? Empirical research using innovative and rigorous qualitative or quantitative methodological approaches are necessary for improving our understanding of coproduction. Thus, the study group invites submissions that investigate numerous research areas and questions, including but not limited to:
o   How does coproduction work in practice?
o   How does coproduction vary across national and policy contexts?
o   How is co-production linked to transformation of public services, for example through governance or ICT?
o   What are the challenges of coproduction for public sector professionals and citizens?
o   What are the outcomes and impacts of coproduction?
While these and other questions can be addressed, we encourage all participants to think critically about how their research advances our conceptual, theoretical, and empirical understanding of coproduction.
The goal of the study group is to advance the theory, research, and practice of coproduction and to foster intercontinental collaboration. Therefore, we invite scholars from around the world to submit abstracts for conceptual, theoretical or empirical papers on all topics addressed above. Studies that use an innovative qualitative or quantitative methodological approach are of particular interest. We also welcome a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. Submissions are particularly encouraged from doctoral students working on the topic of coproduction.
Meeting Format
The meeting will open with a keynote by John Alford, Professor of Public Sector Management at the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) and at the Melbourne Business School (MBS), University of MelbourneThe meeting will consist of individual paper presentations. Full papers will be made available to all participants in advance of the meeting to deepen the discussion. The meeting will conclude with a round table conversation about the study group’s plans for intercontinental collaboration in coproduction research and, more specifically, the development of an edited book to be published by Routledge.
Date and Location
The meeting of the Study Group on Coproduction of Public Services will take place in Tampere, Finland from 13 to 14 June 2016.  
The registration fee is 120 Euro. Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodations.
Please submit abstracts (maximum 600 words) by 1 March 2016 to Sanna.Tuurnas@staff.uta.fi and trui.steen@soc.kuleuven.be
Participants will be notified of acceptance by 30 March 2016. Full papers should be submitted by 31 May 2016.
For practical information on the event, please contact Sanna Tuurnas [Sanna.Tuurnas@staff.uta.fi].
The IIAS study group on ‘Coproduction of Public Services’ is co-chaired by Trui Steen (Leiden University, the Netherlands and KU Leuven, Belgium), Tina Nabatchi (Syracuse University, United States) and Dirk Brand (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa). The 2016 meeting of the study group is organized by Sanna Tuurnas, Jari Stenvall and Elias Pekkola (Tampere University, Finland).

Chamada aberta: programa da OEA para promoção de governos abertos nas Américas

    Programa OEA para la Promoción de Gobiernos Abiertos en las Américas

    La Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) ha lanzado la segunda edición del “Programa OEA para la Promoción de Gobiernos Abiertos en las Américas” (conocido en inglés como The OAS Fellowship on Open Government in the Americas), que se enmarca dentro de los distintos esfuerzos que vienen realizando los países y la comunidad internacional para implementar prácticas de Gobierno Abierto en la región.

    El objetivo de este programa es crear una red de jóvenes agentes de cambio que reúna a la siguiente generación de líderes de toda la región, ofreciéndoles un espacio para la reflexión, el debate y el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias en temas de Gobierno Abierto. Desde una orientación multidisciplinaria e integradora, la red vinculará a participantes provenientes de la esfera pública, del sector privado y de la sociedad civil, con el fin de que generen propuestas innovadoras para abordar los actuales desafíos que enfrenta la región.

    Para llevar a cabo esta iniciativa, se han formado alianzas estratégicas con varios socios que comparten los objetivos de la OEA de impulsar y reforzar las prácticas de Gobierno Abierto en la región, entre ellos: Open Society Foundations, los Gobiernos de Corea del Sur y Países Bajos, la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), la Fundación AVINA, el Centro Carter, y la Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, quienes contribuirán técnica, logística y financieramente al Fellowship. Estamos agradecidos de contar con el apoyo de dichos actores y convencidos de que el trabajo conjunto nos permitirá lograr sinergia de esfuerzos, un mayor alcance del programa y mejores resultados. 

    Fonte: http://www.oas.org/es/sap/dgpe/OpenGovFellowship/
    El plazo de aplicación para la segunda edición del Fellowship se inicia el día 10 de diciembre de 2015 y finaliza a las 23:59 hs. (horario de Washington, DC) del 31 de enero de 2016. 
    ¿Cómo aplicar al programa? 